Manchester United the scattered football club the star will with the talent that was not doubted again immediately hold the match with the team of football Indonesian All Star on July 20 2009. This match was held in Manchester United Asia Tour 2009. However would this happened? Today Indonesia is again shaken a bomb that claimed casualties and definitely made most startled the Indonesian nation senior figures.
After several condition years for the security that was awakened, came back the bomb shook Jakarta. The bomb that broke out in Mega Kuningan Jakarta or to be precise in the Ritz Carlton Hotel and J.W. Marriot this was suspected of being the suicide bomb. In this incident at least 4 foreign citizens were killed. Until this of the number of casualties was killed totalling 9 people. This explosion happened two weeks after the Presidential Election on July 8 2009. Marriott had been bombed in 2003, killed 12 people. Maybe Manchester United was still coming to Indonesia?
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