Computer is one of the major discoveries in the 20th century and it is have a lot of advantages in people daily life. Computer has already changes from the first function. Not only for typing or other office work, now people can use computer to enjoy many entertainment, such as, watching movie, listening to the music, or you can connect it with internet that allow you to get information that you want.
The most useful extra device for computer is key logger. Key logger is some kind of device to replace the use of diskette but it can save more data, which connects to your computer and allows you to transfer data from your computer. The newest key logger can save about 16 GB and faster download rate. In fact you can use key blogger in easy way, just connect it to computer PC or laptop and wait about second then you can use this key blogger. The interesting part of this new key blogger is no need to always connect it. This key blogger will allow you to capture all computer keystroke, website that already visits and many more. Even though, the computer owner is using a password to block the hardware, with this key blogger you can easily break the password.
Use this new key blogger and leave your old key blogger. You can get all your friends data without ever knowing.
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