Find Page Rank Checker Accurate

Google page rank is a rating given google to a website or blog, but how can we know the page rank of accurate a blog or website ? indeed many in the internet google page rank checker page rank, but the results will vary. Today I tried some google page rank checker and some google page rank checker page rank which gives 1 for this blog. Also quite confusing about the accuracy of google page rank checker this. Different results than the accuracy of the results page rank checker is necessary.
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  1. yups mas, saya juga bingung, kenapa pas minggu kemarin blog saya dapat PR 1, pas awal minggu ini jadi NOL ya. mungkin bisa jawab? nuhun

  2. Well, at least you have PR1, as for my blog, my rank had been a see-saw. From 2 to 0 to 2 to 3 and now, unfortunately, 0 again.


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