Ping Your Blog

Every time you update a blog, search engine directory sometimes find out too late. So that each update is known by quick blog search engine directories, ping needs to be done. With the ping service to let search engine blog directory that we have a new post. Currently, many service providers ping on the internet that we can use for free. Among Pingomatic, Autopinger and Pingoat. According to some bloggers, the more the number of ping then the larger the possibility of a blog gets greater traffic.
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  1. wah artikelnya keren juga nih....tapi kalo mo cari tau tentang Blog tentang ilmu komputer, tips online, dunia selebritis,
    belajar internet marketing, belajar seo, dapat penghasilan dari blog, cari duit yang halal buat beli susu anak cuma ada di

  2. mantaaabb,, saya juga pemakai fasilitas Ping, tp saya lakukan hanya 1 bulan sekali... keep share
    aalil-belajar SEO

  3. kira-kira kalo pake ping pengaruh sama SEO gak?????

  4. fasilitas ping yang bagus untuk blog...saya menggunakan juga di yang lain gmana..????


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