Prita Mulyasari is a 32-year old mother of two who was charged for defamation of the Omni International Hospital in Alam Sutra, Serpong, Tangerang, West Java, Indonesia. She has been in detained in the Tangerang Women’s Penitentiary since May 13, 2009, and is facing a maximum six years of jail time or Rp 1 billion (about US$100,000).
She had written an email to a mailing list complaining about the service that the hospital gave while she was ill in August last year. In the email she gave a chronology of the service provided her by the hospital, and that she had sent a written complaint to the Omni Hospital Management and was received by a Customer Service Coordinator. However instead of providing Prita with a complaints receipt, the Customer Service Coordinator gave her a suggestion receipt.
Her email was forwarded by friends to other mailing lists and addresses and caught the attention of the hospital. The hospital then wrote a reply and took out an ad in the local newspaper. Later, it charged Prita with defamation. Click here to provide support via facebook.
defamation itu kesalahan serious.lihat saja negara barat ada yang terpaksa membayar gantirugi jutaan ringgit. tapi dinegara sebelah kita jarang terjadi seperti itu. kita harap ibu prita tidak melakukan sesuatu yang amat serius, harap ada pertimbangan dari pihak jaksa untuk meringankan hukuman. kita sama-sama saja berdoa untuk kesejahteraan ibu prita.
ReplyDeleteWell, Indonesians, as usual, never get ready and open to any criticism. And I don't even see our government back her just because, perhaps, she was just a commoner and the hospital plays significant role in underpinning our economics. So, everywhere in the wold, those who have big amount of money would be the winnner, no matter how wrong they are.
ReplyDeleteFor all bloggers, now we need to be more aware of out regulation, especially regulation on Information and communication. Why? It is because our government is still learning how to accept any criticism openly.
Blogger must support it for sake of bloger self.
ReplyDeletedukung Prita
ReplyDeleteGod Bless You,Prita.
ReplyDeletemudah2an Ibu Prita bisa lepas dari masalahnya dan UU ITE no. 11 tahun 2008, terutama pasal 27 ayat 3, segera direvisi. karena jelas ini adalah pasal karet, yang membuat semua orang takut untuk mengemukakan pendapatnya.
ReplyDeletePS : saya aja kasih komen spt ini ketakutan, krn siapa tau nanti pihak Depkominfo menyatakan saya telah mencemarkan nama baik, dan saya dijerat pasal 27 ayat 3, lalu saya dipenjara kayak ibu Prita dan didenda 6 M...hiiiiii..ngeri...koq lebih kejam dari penjajah Belanda..
hai, emang kasusnya ibuprita gimana si??? jarang baca2 berita ne....
ReplyDeletecommment balik ya>>>
Oks, kita support bu Pritta yaaa...moga kasusnya cepet kelar.
ReplyDeletewah ,, kabar baik nih,,,,, sekalian tukeran link yuk...
ReplyDeletecayooooo ibu prita,,,
ReplyDeletesiap dukung bu Prita 100%
ReplyDeleteThis is something happen if money can buy everything including the laws
ReplyDeleteMari kita dukung kebenaran...
ReplyDeleteStop segala sesuatu tentang uang yang menghina hukum
mudah..mudahan bisa bebbas mbak pritanya
ReplyDeleteAyoooo Dukung .....
ReplyDeletei think we shuldnt be afraid about the UU ITE. This regulation is intended to those who spread fitnah, porn pics, etc. It's not for someone who try to reveal the truth!
ReplyDeleteim support her!!!
ReplyDeletegood luck Ibu Prita... we are all behind you and support you.. :)
ReplyDeleteayo dukung ibu prita!!!