Welcome Back Manohara

Manohara has returned to Indonesia after a few months imprisoned in a golden cage Kingdom Kelantan Malaysia. According to the information during Manohara golden cage in the Kingdom of Malaysia Kelantan, the violence has been done Teungku Temenggong Muhammad Fakhry Petra, her husband. Manohara had said that the mentally abuse (mental violence), sexual abuse (sexual violence), and physically abuse (physical violence) for this.

In addition Manohara also revealed that he had injected hormones to increase body weight. "I was injected hormones and my body weight increased 15 kg in two months. In fact the first 10 kg increase in body weight occurred in my time the four days," said Manohara. Welcome back to the land that we love Manohara.
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  1. MAnoha women is beautiful,ok not what2

  2. welkombek, pasti pada bilang kutunggu jandamu *halah*

    keciyan yak kecil kecil jadi manten...smg semua cpt selesai

  3. Rame nih Manohara jadi buah bibir di mana-mana... :D

  4. Manohara datang2 logat dah malaysia.
    Laen kali kalo siti Nurhaliza datang ke Indonesia, kita boikot aja

  5. ueedddaaannn euy si manohara....bak artis papan atas Indonesia...

    Mohon terus dukung AaGen Blog untuk BUBU AWARDS V.06

  6. naik 15 kg dlm 2 bulan? waduh sy mau dong, sy malah kebalikannya ilang 15 kg :P
    eniwei, syukur deh bs pulang. klo bener di sana dia kena KDRT, moga2 traumanya bs cepet pulih
    buat mamanya, jgn sampe keulang nge-gadai-in anak lg y...

  7. sebenarnya leleah karena abis main bulutangkis, setelah aku melihat blog sobat,...akhirnya gairahku bangkit lagi...teruskan

  8. who ask u to married that's guy?....u created yr own problem..sorry to say......

  9. Manohara kita ngeblog yuk....he..he..he...

  10. kasihan manohara masih kecil udah dijadiin pengantin

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